Sunday, December 16, 2007


Today I was watching one of the LOTR movies: The Two Towers, and I happened to make the mistake of telling my mom to watch the end with me. I belive we are all familiar with these movies and when Gandalf rears up on his horse as he and the Rohirrim charge into Helms Deep, it is just so cool.

So my mom says to me as this is happening, " Jack, what do you think this symbolizes?" So I answered

" I don't care."

Which I believe is the way most teenagers feel about the symbolism of movies, because I could care less about how Tolkien shows symbolism when all these cool action scenes are going on.

Many adults spend way too much time trying to find the literary elements of a movie or book so that it ruins the entertainment value, I mean you woulldn't read a book or watch a movie just to see character devolpment, would you?

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

My Mom's a psycho.

Here is the deal, my mom is insane and i mean that in the nicest way possible. Currently she is trying to pop my numerous zits and I ain't having it. Personally I think she should be sent to an asylum and put in a straight jacket, either that or have her declawed. Right now she is trying to bribe me with pumpkin pie and its almost working.

Although she loves me very much and keeps a wonderful home for me, she is absolutly crazy..... and short and bossy.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

First things first

My new blog. My sister and mother have one so i figured why not? Let's see what its like. So here I am, getting started, noticing that blogger does not have spell check, which I have become so used to. If I mispell something and you can't read it, either leave a comment or quit whining. Ha